Community & News

Community & News

Stakeholder Engagement

Throughout the approvals process, stakeholder engagement was conducted with all stakeholders, and a dedicated community consultation group was established. The Hillside Mine Community Consultative Committee (HMCCC) website is available here: HMCCC.

Engagement with the community and other stakeholders will continue to occur throughout the life of the Project from approvals to construction, operation and mine closure. Rex will conduct engagement in the manner defined in the Community Engagement Plan (CEP) for the Hillside Project.  This document will be updated as required to ensure it remains relevant to the local context and operation development - a copy of the current version can be found here.

Rex also developed a Hillside Social Management Plan (SMP) which was submitted to the SA Government and made public in September 2017 - a copy of the current version can be found here.

Hillside Project - Community News

If you would like to receive updates on local community news relating to the Hillside Project, please email us, providing your name and email address, at

Employment Opportunities

We are currently compiling a register of expressions of interest in working with Rex Minerals, as we prepare for general site recruitment for the Company’s Hillside Project in South Australia. If you would like to register your interest, and you would like us to hold your details, please email your name, residential address, type of role that interests you, and contact details to